Source code for cycle_gan.sampler

from delira.data_loading.sampler import AbstractSampler, RandomSampler

[docs]class UnPairedRandomSampler(AbstractSampler): """ Sampler to return two randomly sampled indices (one for each subset). Internally holds a single :class:`delira.data_loading.sampler.random_sampler.RandomSampler` per subset """ def __init__(self, indices): """ Parameters ---------- indices : list a list of integers containing all valid indices """ super().__init__() self.sampler_a = RandomSampler(indices) self.sampler_b = RandomSampler(indices)
[docs] def _get_indices(self, n_indices): """ Returns the indices Parameters ---------- n_indices : int the number of indices to return Returns ------- list list of tuple of ints containing the indices for all subsets. """ return list(zip(self.sampler_a(n_indices), self.sampler_b(n_indices)))
def __len__(self): return max(len(self.sampler_a), len(self.sampler_b))